Pediatrician Doctor

Jackline Wangari


Improving pedestrian access to transit and other services has been a recent focus of this committee which advises the Regional Transportation Commission and other transportation agencies on the network of specialized transportation services for seniors and people with disabilities in Nairobi County as well as about the transportation needs of these members of our community.

Wishing is a simple thing. You see something, you desire it, you briefly shut your eyes and utter a few words rich with supplication and conviction, “God, I wish I could get that.” Often times it rarely comes to pass. Especially if it’s something beyond your control or your imagine. Jackline is here to help you with your health needs.

A hurried mother backs out of her suburban neighborhood driveway in an effort to get to work on time but fails to realize that her three-year-old son slipped out of the front door and stands directly behind her car in an innocent game of hide-and-seek. An elderly gentleman using a cane at the crosswalk cannot avoid the oncoming speeding vehicle. A college student pulls away from the curb after having a few drinks and overlooks the pizza delivery girl on her bicycle. In developing nations, villagers transporting food and water on foot to their homes share a narrow causeway with large trucks. These are but a few of the common examples of why pedestrian motor-vehicle collisions are prevalent in the United States and the world.

Phamaceutical Vs Herbal Medicine

Jackline Wangari


Most of us prefer taking pharmaceutical medicine compared to herbal medicine either way both treatment methods have their own advantages and disadvantages
First, pharmaceutical medicine is more effective compared to herbal medicine.Once its taken,it tends to work way faster compared to the herbal medicine. Pharmaceutical medicine is also easily accessible.Nowadays one doesn’t have to go to the hospital if ill, instead you can rush to a chemist and get a prescription immediately. When it comes to herbal medicine,you will need to look for a specialist who can get the herbal medicine for you
On the other hand herbal medicine has also proven to be effective.Its main advantage is that it has no side effects compared to pharmaceutical medicine.This is because the medicine is made from natural products therefore harmless to our health.
Secondly herbal medicine is not addictive compared to pharmaceutical medicine.In most cases one gets an addition because of taking this drugs so many times. It gets to a point that even if you take a painkiller whenever you are in any kind of pain they are not effective anymore.
To conclude, its preferable to opt for herbal medicine compared to pharmaceutical medicine because of the numerous benefits that are associated with herbal treatment. Not only can one cure a disease using herbal means but you can also prevent disease and improve your overall state of health due to the extra nutrients that come with herbal medication.


Jackline Wangari

A serious developmental disorder that impairs the ability to communicate and interact with other people. Autism starts at an early childhood and it can continue unrecognized. Most people ask what causes autism. Well there are risk factors that increase the chances of having a child with autism. First, advanced age of the father or mother, if a pregnant mother is exposed to certain drugs or chemicals or use of alcohol or maternal conditions like obesity and diabetes. All this increase the chances of having an autistic child.

Family income, lifestyle or educational levels don’t affect the child’s chance of being autistic. Exactly what causes autism isn’t clear. Research suggests that it may arise from abnormalities in parts of the brain that interpret sensory input and process language.

Children with autism have trouble understanding what other people think and feel. This makes it hard for them to express themselves either with words, gestures or touch. Some of these children are very sensitive and may be greatly troubled to the extent of sometimes even pained by sounds, touches or sights that may seem normal to others. Autistic children may also have repetitive body movements i.e. pacing or hand flapping.

Will your autistic child grow up to live a normal life? This question tends to plague a lot of parents, even worse these types of questions are unavoidable. Simple answer is that an autistic child will grow up as a normal kid but not like the others. Due to being developmentally delayed, it can take longer for them to catch up and gain social communication skills required for self-reliance. He/she will need special care and treatment from recommended professionals.


Jackline Wangari

Jackline:Our bodies are designed to move,but our modern lifestyle has proven to be more and more sedentary. To counter this , exercise plays a vital role . Our guest today will elaborate more on staying active in this modern world.Welcome Mr Macharia

Macharia :Thankyou.

Jackline:Briefly tell us what exactly is it that you do?

Macharia: I am a certified personal trainer and my work entails designing exercise programs for individuals who want to progress in terms of their fitness.

Jackline:Could you tell us the benefits of exercising in relation to health issues?

Macharia: Some of the benefits of exercising include improved cardio-vascular performance, increased bone density, improved respiratory output among others. Exercise also increases blood flow to your brain so your mental performance gets a significance boost which is goid for overall productivity.

Jackline:What exercises could you prescribe to someone who wants to start?

Macharia: For a beginner i prescribe that you start easy , taking a walk is good enough maybe a jog occasionally, going out for hikes and even dancing. This exercises will help build u up and prepare you for working out in the gym. In the long term I also do insist that you hire a personal trainer, someone to guide you through your fitness journey.

Jackline:Thankyou so much for your time sir.

Macharia: Your most welcome.

Jackline:As we have all heard exercise should be more of a lifestyle and we should embrace it,not only for the sake of our health but also for increased productivity and better quality of life. Thank you.